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  2. Q&A


Please call if you are staying on the day or the day before.
We have someone in charge of email, so please feel free to contact us.
*For inquiries and reservations for the counseling room, please visit the counseling page.
  • Use with children

    Do you have yukata for children?

     Unfortunately, we do not have yukata or pajamas for children.Please bring your favorite items.
  • Use with children

    I'm bringing a baby with me, is that okay?

     People with babies are also welcome.We also have a warmer that keeps milk water at a constant temperature, disinfectant goods, and baby chaContinue reading

【For lodging and meals only】Reservations/Inquiries

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

This is a slightly smart AI Concierge that answers your questions on behalf of the inn/hotel.

  • Easy to ask, chat-style!
  • 24/7 Quick answers, any time of day!
  • Relax, it's AI! Ask away!


Please call if you are staying on the day or the day before.